
Rabu Purikura TIME!

I love to take purikura very much. Every time when I pass by purikura machine I WANNA TAKE ONE! _(:3 」∠)_
I've took many many series of it with my best friend, but never have a single series with my boyfriend. I've asked him to take with me every time we passed by the puri machine, but he rejected (。>0<。)
This is the FIRST TIME I finally had my very own couple purikura with my lovely boyfriend!
I feel seriously so so so so so so so happy! Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!  (o⌒∇⌒o)
We took it and i think we are soooo cute! Thank you honey doing it with me together, I really happy and appreciate it love it! I love you soooooo much! Chu!!! 
Please lets do it again and again and again next time! \(^ω^\)


Smile Smile Happily <3 We are so cute here!!

Sapi and Doru rabu rabu forever chu! (≧∇≦)

Honey want me to hides his delicious lips
behind the white babi nose mask XD
Honey's lips IT'S MINE <3 CHU!

                                 chu churu chu
                               churu ri churu ri

Mickey Minnie V-lix Vinds chu chu

You + Me = LOVE
Rabu juuuuuuu honey nyaaaaa

